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Deep neural networks achieve high prediction accuracy when the train and test distributions coincide. In practice though, various types of corruptions occur which deviate from this setup and cause severe performance degradations. Few methods have been proposed to address generalization in the presence of unforeseen domain shifts. In particular, digital noise corruptions arise commonly in practice during the image acquisition stage and present a significant challenge for current robustness approaches. In this paper, we propose a diverse Gaussian noise consistency regularization method for improving robustness of image classifiers under a variety of noise corruptions while still maintaining high clean accuracy. We derive bounds to motivate and understand the behavior of our Gaussian noise consistency regularization using a local loss landscape analysis. We show that this simple approach improves robustness against various unforeseen noise corruptions by 4.2-18.4% over adversarial training and other strong diverse data augmentation baselines across several benchmarks. Furthermore, when combined with state-of-the-art diverse data augmentation techniques, experiments against state-of-the-art show our method further improves robustness accuracy by 3.7% and uncertainty calibration by 5.5% for all common corruptions on several image classification benchmarks.
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深度神经网络很容易被称为对抗攻击的小扰动都愚弄。对抗性培训(AT)是一种近似解决了稳健的优化问题,以最大限度地减少最坏情况损失,并且被广泛认为是对这种攻击的最有效的防御。由于产生了强大的对抗性示例的高计算时间,已经提出了单步方法来减少培训时间。然而,这些方法遭受灾难性的过度装备,在训练期间侵犯准确度下降。虽然提出了改进,但它们增加了培训时间和稳健性远非多步骤。我们为FW优化(FW-AT)开发了对抗的对抗培训的理论框架,揭示了损失景观与$ \ ell_2 $失真之间的几何连接。我们分析地表明FW攻击的高变形相当于沿攻击路径的小梯度变化。然后在各种深度神经网络架构上进行实验证明,$ \ ell \ infty $攻击对抗强大的模型实现近乎最大的$ \ ell_2 $失真,而标准网络具有较低的失真。此外,实验表明,灾难性的过度拟合与FW攻击的低变形强烈相关。为了展示我们理论框架的效用,我们开发FW-AT-Adap,这是一种新的逆势训练算法,它使用简单的失真度量来调整攻击步骤的数量,以提高效率而不会影响鲁棒性。 FW-AT-Adapt提供培训时间以单步快速分配方法,并改善了在白色盒子和黑匣子设置中的普发内精度的最小损失和多步PGD之间的差距。
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Modern speech recognition systems exhibits rapid performance degradation under domain shift. This issue is especially prevalent in data-scarce settings, such as low-resource languages, where diversity of training data is limited. In this work we propose M2DS2, a simple and sample-efficient finetuning strategy for large pretrained speech models, based on mixed source and target domain self-supervision. We find that including source domain self-supervision stabilizes training and avoids mode collapse of the latent representations. For evaluation, we collect HParl, a $120$ hour speech corpus for Greek, consisting of plenary sessions in the Greek Parliament. We merge HParl with two popular Greek corpora to create GREC-MD, a test-bed for multi-domain evaluation of Greek ASR systems. In our experiments we find that, while other Unsupervised Domain Adaptation baselines fail in this resource-constrained environment, M2DS2 yields significant improvements for cross-domain adaptation, even when a only a few hours of in-domain audio are available. When we relax the problem in a weakly supervised setting, we find that independent adaptation for audio using M2DS2 and language using simple LM augmentation techniques is particularly effective, yielding word error rates comparable to the fully supervised baselines.
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Simulator-based models are models for which the likelihood is intractable but simulation of synthetic data is possible. They are often used to describe complex real-world phenomena, and as such can often be misspecified in practice. Unfortunately, existing Bayesian approaches for simulators are known to perform poorly in those cases. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm based on the posterior bootstrap and maximum mean discrepancy estimators. This leads to a highly-parallelisable Bayesian inference algorithm with strong robustness properties. This is demonstrated through an in-depth theoretical study which includes generalisation bounds and proofs of frequentist consistency and robustness of our posterior. The approach is then assessed on a range of examples including a g-and-k distribution and a toggle-switch model.
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